PHOENIX TOOLINGS is company formed and promoted by Mr. B.S. Gawande in the year 2004. Its core business includes manufacture of Indexable Cutting tools holders, holding systems and special tools as per the ISO 9001:2008 standard norms.
The wide and immense experience of the promoter has brought PHOENIX TOOLINGS to a new height in the field of tool designing and manufacturing.
PHOENIX TOOLINGS is customer focused organization, committed to provide quality products with excellent value additions, technical expertise and prompt service.
Our constant commitment to excel in our customer expectation made for ourselves an unbeaten improvement in our products and services.

Phoenix Toolings
ISO Certificate

Our Product

Our product development team has developed a wide range of Indexable cutting tool holders, boring bars and Tailor-made tools for CNC Lathe machines, VMC, HMC, SPM and conventional machines to suit the customer requirement

Our Motto
Productivity improvement, Process development and economy in costs are our prime mottos while catering to the varied needs of our customers.

Our Service
Our timely service, continuous and effective report with our customers has paid us with an excellent goodwill in the market Our service is backed by adequate stocks to ensure timely supply and uninterrupted production runs for our customers

Mission Statement
"Provide best quality products" excellent service to our esteemed customer base to suit their needs and prove to be their best solution partner"